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13 Sep 2024
It's a big week at Waituna West! Thanks to our parents and caregivers for making it to our assembly last Friday, a stellar effort from Room 4 with a well presented show. Lookling ahead to the Cross Country, the weather is looking good at this stage, fingers crossed. Good luck to Hamish Gallen who is representing Waituna West at the annual AIMS Games in Tauranga.
For Friday, thanks for the offers of Hay, we now have enough however can we please borrow some standards/pigtails to mark the course. We also need one more Quadbike if anyone is available.
Thank you to those involved in the Day Breaker Rally as Marshalls, we are required to be available from 7.15 - 2.00pm on the day, I will send more information home tomorrow, we still need volunteers to man a bbq for extra fundraising.
Here's what's on:
Monday: Year 7 - 8 Technology
Tuesday: BOT Meeting (6.00 pm in School Staffroom)
Wednesday: True Hoops (Final Session), Piano Lessons, Year 7-8 Epro8 Challenge: Tenley, Cooper, Fleur, Andrew (5.00pm-8.00pm)
Thursday: Year 5 - 6 Epro8 Interchool Event; Murdoch, Sam, Jack E, Audrey 9.30am -12.00pm
Friday: Oroua Schools Cross Country Event
Saturday Daybreaker Rally 715am - 2.00pm, Fat Lamb Prizegiving 6.00pm Community Hall
Friday 13th is the day for our cluster cross country, a notice went home with information regarding race times for the age groups last Wednesday and is attached below. We do need some help with marshalling on the day, if you are able to please reply to this notice below. We try to rotate people out so they can watch their children race however one of the best vantage points is actually out on the course! We are on the lookout for approximately four bales of hay to use as 'Styles' to enable runners to get over the fences, if you can spare any for the day that would be greatly appreciated. Finally, as a safety measure, we usually have a quadbike or two out on the course to assist with marshal transport and any injuries, if you are able to assist on the day with this that would be awesome!
We currently have two groups of students working with Rebekah O'Brien and Tammie Hodgetts preparing for a Kahui Ako Wearable Arts Gala at the beginning of November. One of the groups requires some shells for their creation. Does anyone have any shells at home that they no longer need? The shells will be glued to a costume, so they will not be returned.
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